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Q: Who said the word cold war first?
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Who first used the word Cold War?

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Who said we are in the midst of a cold war?

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What is a word that starts with the letter y involved in the cold war?

Yorktown, it was a place in the cold war

Korean War was considered to be a cold war event because?

The Korean war was the first hot war in the cold war.

Who coined the term Cold War?

The first use of the term 'Cold War' has been attributed to the US presidential advisor Bernard Baruch, who on the 16th April 1947 gave a speech in South Carolina, in which he said 'Let us not be deceived, we are in the midst of a cold war'.

What was the comparasion between the Korean War and the cold war?

Korea was a "hot" portion of the "cold" war. No one died during the "Cold War" because NO WAR was fought. Cold War meant NO WAR. Cold War=Military Standoff. Cold War was just a "Term" for not shooting at each other, but ready to push the buttons once they got the word to do so. The Korean War was a war, like any other shooting, killing, destroying war. It just so happened to be the FIRST war (Besides Indochina) of the Atomic Age involving the US.

What was the first war to use a submerine?

cold war

What was the first conflict in the cold war?

Korean War, was a proxy war.

Who was the Russian leader of the cold war?

During the first decade of the Cold War, Stalin led Russia through the Cold War until his death.

The Internet can be said to be a result of the cold war?

YES. it's true.