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This work was done by prisoners bullied into helping the SS in this way.

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Q: Who removed the bodies of Jews from gas chambers and burned them?
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Related questions

What is the main way Jews were killed?

The main way the Jews were killed is, they were taken into gas chambers and gas out. Once they were dead their bodies were burned.

How were the Jews treated by Hitler and the step to death?

The Jew were put into gas chambers and died instantly and their bodies were burned. aww!!

What were the Jews burned in?

Crematoria and pits.

Why were large gas chambers preferred in concentration camps?

So the Nazis could kill more Jews each day. Some extermination camps killed between 3,000-5,000 Jews every day, and then burned the bodies.

Were the Jews mostly killed by gas chambers or furnaces?

Killed in the gas chambers (disguised to look like shower rooms), and then their bodies were put in the furnaces to burn-up (dispose) of the bodies.

What did the nazi do with the dead Jews?

They either buried them in mass graves or cremated (burned) the bodies.

What were the chimneys for in the boy in the striped pajamas?

In "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," the chimneys are where the bodies of those who died in the gas chambers were disposed of by cremation. The chimneys symbolize the horrors of the Holocaust and the systematic genocide of the Jewish people during World War II.

Were Jews burned alive?

It says in the Holocaust that the Jews were burned.

What sort of duties were typically assigned to members of the sonderkommando?

Sonderkommandos basically put the Jews in the gas chambers, and cleaned up the dead bodies.

Why did they have a peephole in the gas chambers?

To ensure everyone was dead and the Gas was gone so they could burn the bodies and bring the next lot of Jews

How the hilter kill the jews?

Hitler used Nazi forces and concentration camps to kill the Jews. He often sent them to gas chambers, had physicians perform medical experiments on them, burned or shot them, or even simply allowed them to starve to death.

What killed the Jews the most gas chambers or fire?

The gas chambers.