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Q: Who or what were the main targets of the kamikazes?
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What were the main targets of the kamikazes?

ships or boats

Why we're kamikazes so effective?

The planes carried bombs that exploded when the pilot crashed into targets.

How were kamikazes used by the Japanese government?

because kamikazes were tamil

Was Kamikazes considered suicide pilots?

Kamikazes were considered suicide pilots.

What was a German Kamikazes?

Kamikazes were not German, but in fact Japanese. Japanese kamikazes were suicide pilots in WWII who purposefully crashed thir planes full of bombs as a way of combat.

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The main targets for bullying are:Intelligent PeoplePeople that wear glassesPeople that are overweightPeople that are underweightPeople that have pimples/acnePeople that have freckles, etc

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Friends and family are frequent targets of aggression because they convenient, easy targets.

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When the Kamikazes attacked the American ships how did they try to protect themselves?

They didn't really, they were trying to kill themselves. They would try to maneuver to avoid the antiaircraft fire so they did not get shot down before reaching their targets, but that was all. Michael Montagne Or, did you mean how did the ships try to protect themselves from the kamikazes? The ships used anti-aircraft guns and carrier-based fighters.

Were the kamikazes successful?


Did kamikazes have uniforms?

Well young grasshopper. The Kamikazes were just pilots that flew into things, so yes they did have uniforms.

Who used kamikazes?

Japan in WW2