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Q: Who led the french government in exile after German seizure of France?
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The name of the french government which capitulated to the Nazi's and was run by the Nazi's?

on the 22nd of June, 1940, the third republic of France surrendered to German forces and was divided in two. northern France was occupied by the Germans, while southern France remained independent but was ruled by a pro German government in the city of France, thus bcoming known as Vichy France.

Why did Churchill declare War on the French during World War 2?

I can't find any evidence of a formal declaration of war on France by the British during World War 2. Put the Allies did fight the french. They fought the Vichy French Government (the pro nazi government that had surrendered in 1940 when it was blatantly clear the battle for France had been lost.) They also attacked the french fleet in the hopes of denying it's use to the German Navy. The Allies also took back the French colonies in Africa and the middle east until eventually, on 20 August 1944, the Vichy Government Officals fled France and created a government in exile and in early April 1945 surrendered and tried by Provisional Government of the French Republic: the government headed by Charles de Gaulle.

What was France a member of in World War I and World War 2?

In World War 1, France was entirely on the side of the Allied Powers. In World War 2, the country was divided by the Germans after the occupation of 1940. The southern half was called Vichy and it was a puppet government of the German occupation. The Northern half was entirely under German control but the French government was in exile in London until Paris fell in August 1944. France was part of the Allies during WW2 and they landed in Normandy at Gold Beach and it was the French 2nd Armoured Division which liberated Paris.

German attack on France to bleed the French dry?

The Battle Of Verdun

How the Germans lost the ww1?

Germany's two major allies, Austria-Hungary & Turkey, were being defeated, and on the verge of collapse when the Germans began their last final offensive in France in the spring of 1918. The Germans had just defeated the Russian and were concentrating all efforts on winning in France before the bulk of American troops could begin arriving in France in mid-1918. The German spring offensive failed, in part because American troops that had already arrived in France were sent to the front to help the French. By mid-1918 the additional American troops allowed the British, French, and Americans to conduct a series of successful attacks that finally broke open the German lines. The German army quickly realized that final defeat was coming soon, so they convinced the German government to end the war with an Armistice.

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Where was the German government located in southern France?

There never was a German government for France during WWII, but there was a French government based in Vichy.

Why did the Germans let France run Vichy France and Free France?

The Germans didn't let the "free French" government run anything. It was known as the Free French government IN EXILE because they had to get out of France and all German-controlled areas. The only government the NAZIs recognized in France was the one that was allied with Germany, the Vichy gov't.

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He was born in France but was of German nationality.He was born in France but was of German nationality.

The name of the french government which capitulated to the Nazi's and was run by the Nazi's?

on the 22nd of June, 1940, the third republic of France surrendered to German forces and was divided in two. northern France was occupied by the Germans, while southern France remained independent but was ruled by a pro German government in the city of France, thus bcoming known as Vichy France.

How is France government different and similar to the us government?

Both the German and French governments are republics, but they are set up differently. The French executive branch consists of a prime minister and president, while the German executive branch consists of a president and federal chancellor.

What does Free French mean?

The Free French Forces (Forces Françaises Libres in French) were French fighters in World War II, who decided to continue fighting against Axis forces after the surrender of France and German occupation, following the call of General De Gaulle, and the de jure government ('Free French Government') of France in exile as of June 18, 1940.

What was the name of the German government in southern France?

It was not installed by the Germans. Marshal Petain became Pemiere of France before their capitulation according to proper french constitutional procedures. After the armistice the French parliament voted to essentially scrap the constitution and invest him with dictatorial powers. This was done on their own hook, not at the behest of the Germans. Anyway, his government is called the Vichy government after the small resort town in southern France which became the de facto French capital when the government fled Paris before it fell. Michael Montagne

Which city is French as opposed to German?

Every city in France is French, and not in Germany.

What happened to France after French surrendered to Germany in 1940?

Most of France was occupied by an invading German force. Vichy France (in the south) was allowed by Hitler to be controlled by a Vichy Government - Marshal Philippe Pétain's regime 1940-44.

Who to England from France to form an army in world war 2?

During World War Two in May-June 1940, as the German invasion of France was succeeding in defeating the Allied forces in France & the Low Countries, some British, Dutch, Belgian and French (air, ground, and naval) units escaped from the continent to England before France & the Low Countries surrendered. The French forces that escaped to England would become known to the Allies as the "Free French" forces. Also some other French units from around the world would choose to join with the Free French. Those units that were outside of German controlled territory and that did not join the Free French would come under the control of the Vichy French government (a German puppet & collaborationist government).

Who took control of the church in France during French Revolution?

The French government.

When did the French government replace General Gamelin with General Weygand in 1940?

On May 19, 1940, the French government replaced the head of the French army, General Gamelin, with General Weygand. Gamelin had failed to calculate the German attack effectively and by May 19th France needed new leadership.