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The first person to create an airplane was the Wright brothers. A man named Otto Lilienthal inspired the Wright brothers.

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Q: Who is the first person create an airplane?
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Who is the first person create airplan?

The first person to create an airplane was the Wright brothers. A man named Otto Lilienthal inspired the Wright brothers.

Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the airplane?

He didnt create the airplane but he did create the first Canadian airplane, im not 100% sure on that answer but i believe its true. Alexander Graham Bell was the first to fly and mounths before the wright brothers did. Another theory is that a person from newzeland and a person from France suposivly flew first the only reason the wright brothers are the most popular one is because the American media is powerful

Who invented aroeplane?

The person who invented the airplane was Sir George Cayley and is considered to be the first true pioneer of flight. The Wright Brothers, however, have been give credit in history as the first people to create and airplane to fly.

When did the wright brothers create their first airplane?

in africa

Who is the first man to create an airplane?

The Wright Brothers

First person to fly in an airplane?

Igor Sikorsky was the first person to fly in an airplane, in his 1913 airplane called "The Grand." The Wrights were the first people to fly an airplane, but you fly ON a Wright Flyer--it's very open. Sikorsky invented the enclosed cockpit.

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Leonardo DaVinchi

What impact did blimps have on society?

it help people get the idea to create the first airplane

What did the wright brothers invent .?

They invented the three axis control so the airplane can keeps it's equilibrium while flying. The very first practical AIRPLANE was invented by Wright brothers. They were inspired by the birds and invented this flying machine which can be used by humans in December,1903.

Who is the First Indian person travel by airplane?

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Who was the first person to invent an airplane?

Wilbur and Orville Wright.