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Q: Who is the first great general?
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What great general served Augustus?

Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.Marcus Agrippa was the great general who served Augustus. He was also an admiral.

What did george Washington do that was great?

he was the first official president of the united states and the leading general in the Revolutionary War

Who was the great general of Carthage?

Hannibal was the Great General Of Carthage.

What twentieth-century American general had a grandfather who was a confederate brigadier general in the Civil War and a great -great-great-grandfather who was a general in the Revolution?

General George S Patton

What was George Washington most famously known for?

He was a great General in the Revolutionary War and the first president of the United States.

What Did Washington Do For your Country?

1) He was a great general 2) He was the first president of the United States 3) He was the first one to start the cabinet idea for the President

Who is the great confederate general?

General Stonewall Jackson

What general was Caesar's great rival?

Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.Pompey was the general who was Caesar's great rival. Of course, this was after he was no longer Caesar's son-in-law.

Who was the first general for America?

The first general for the U.S. was General George Washington.

Who invented the first combustion engine muffler? He was my great grandfather. This muffler was the first known general patent. This is not a catalytic muffler however.

How am I related to my great grandmother's husband?

In most cases, your great grandmother's husband is you great grandfather. However, if he was her first husband and you are descended from a second or subsequent husband, you are not related to him at all. If you are descended from a first husband but he is a second husband, then in general, you would not be related, but if he was involved in raising your grandparent, you might refer to him as a step-great grandfather.