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Lieutenant Robert John Davies GC (3 October 1900 - 27 September 1975) distinguished himself during the Second World War with the Royal Engineers and was awarded the George Cross (GC) for the heroism he displayed in defusing a bomb which threatened to destroy St Paul's Cathedral on 12 September 1940.[1]

Davies was born in Newlyn, Cornwall, the son of John Sampson Davies of St Erth and Annie Vingoe. The bomb he defused was lodged 27 feet deep in Deans Yard, took three days to dig out, and was finally transported to, and detonated on, Hackney Marshes.

The citation from a supplement to the London Gazette of 27 September 1940 (dated 30 September 1940) reads:[2]CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD.

St. James's Palace, S.W.1, 30th September, 1940.

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the GEORGE CROSS to the undermentioned:-


Temporary Lieutenant Robert Davies, Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Davies was the officer in charge of the party detailed to recover the bomb which fell in the vicinity of St. Paul's Cathedral.

So conscious was this officer of the imminent danger to the Cathedral that regardless of personal risk he spared neither himself nor his men in their efforts to locate the bomb. After unremitting effort, during which all ranks knew that an explosion might occur at any moment, the bomb was successfully extricated. In order to shield his men from further danger, Lieutenant Davies himself drove the vehicle in which the bomb was removed and personally carried out its disposal.

Sapper George Cameron Wylie was also awarded the GC for his part in the same action.[2]

Sergeant James Wilson and Lance-Corporal Herbert Leigh were awarded the British Empire Medal (for meritorious service) (BEM) for their part in the action.[3]

Davies had emigrated to Canada and joined the Canadian Army in 1918. He returned to Cornwall in the 1930s, and on 6 March 1940 was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Royal Engineers,[4] serving as a Bomb Disposal officer during the Blitz.

After defusing the St Paul's bomb, Davies then served in the Middle East, but returned to the United Kingdom for an investiture at Buckingham Palace in February 1942.[5]

In May 1942, Davies was court-martialled and convicted of eight charges of fraud, obtaining money dishonestly, and theft, he also pleaded guilty to 13 further charges of issuing cheques without ensuring he had sufficient funds to draw on.[6][7][8] He was cashiered on 1 June 1942,[9] and sentenced to two years' imprisonment, reduced to 18 months following review by the General Officer Commanding, London District.[10] He afterwards emigrated to Australia.[citation needed] The Times of 1 October 1970 reported that his medal had been sold for a then record £2,100.[11] It is now on display at the Imperial War Museum.nt Robert Davies

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Q: Who got the 1st George cross awarded for the world war 2?
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How was Dwayne Hackney Vietnam veteran honored?

Airman 1st Class Hackney Awarded Air Force Cross September 9, 1967 On this date, Airman 1st Class Dwayne D. Hackney was awarded the Air Force Cross for rescuing a pilot in operations in Vietnam. Hackney, a para-jumper with the 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron had already become a legend in the world of rescue, becoming the most decorated para-jumper to serve in Vietnam.

Which world war was Hitler in?

He took part in world war one he was one of the messengers who went from trench to trench and he also took place in World War two, and the Holocaust. He did some pretty intese harsh things to the world. In my opinion he sucks

What was Hitler injured by in the First World War?

Yes. He was once wounded in the thigh by shrapnel and once temporarily blinded by poison gas. He later received the Iron Cross 1st Class and 2nd Class and a wound badge for his service.Although Hitler was not a Prussian [he was Austrian], he was a decorated warrior who earned his 6 medals in WW1 - they were not just given to him. Hitler was a Corporal, and it was very rare for someone who was not an Officer to receive the Iron Cross First Class. [Interestingly, this Iron Cross was awarded on the recommendation of his officer who just happened to be jewish!] .

What are the five battles stars on the 1st marine division flag?

The stars represent the Southern Cross constellation at the time of the Guadalcanal campaign.

When did world warn 2 start?

World war 2 started on 1st September 1939

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