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Q: Who did America fight in 1940s?
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Sports in the 1940s?

Baseball's just about it in America.

How and why did America's isolationist erode entering 1940s?

World War II and its related unemployment in the United States led to America's isolationist stance to erode during the 1940s.

When did veitnam start?

It started in the late 1940s, but America joined in the 1960s.

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Who defeated Germany?

Germany defeated, The netherlands, France, Belgium and Luxembourg by mid 1940s

Why did France and England fight in America?

France didn't really fight they helped fight

What was the domestic impact of the anti-communist crusade of the late 1940s and 1950s?

Money and jobs (employment) were geared up to fight communism.

What did men wear in the 1940s?

Men in the 1940s in the United States of America wore dress pants and a dress shirt to work. Men during this time wore jeans and a t-shirt outside of work.

Why was there so much fear of communism in America in 1950?

In the 1940s and 1950s, Americans had a cultural hysteria about the Soviet threat.

What are the release dates for America's Next Top Model - 2003 The Girls Are 1940s Pin-Ups 5-7?

America's Next Top Model - 2003 The Girls Are 1940s Pin-Ups 5-7 was released on: USA: 26 October 2005 Hungary: 17 February 2007

Where did America fight in Germany?


Who would win in a fight batman or Captain America?

Captain America