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Annabell Hickle

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Q: Who controlled North Korea?
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After World War 2 who controlled the North Koreaand who controlled South Korea?


What country in the Korean Peninsula is controlled by communists?

North Korea

Is North Korea controlled by communists or is south Korea?

Of course, communists control North Korea.Kim Jong-il is the leader of North Korea and currently, he wants to give his power to his son Kim Jong-Eun.

Who had control of Korea before it was split?

After Korea became independent after Japan in 1945, Korea didn't have unified government. US military controlled South and USSR controlled North.

What countries have controlled economy?

Cuba, China, and North Korea are all countries with controlled economies.

What countries are still controlled by dictators?

Cuba, China, North Korea

Who controlled north korea after world war 2?

The Soviet Union

What country once controlled North Korea and South Korea?

japan Lots of different countries because korea was a small country so other countries that were bigger then Korea took controlled of Korea

What was the result of the actions shown on the map of Korea?

The result of the actions shown on the map of Korea led to the division of Korea into North and South Korea at the 38th parallel, with the North controlled by the Soviet Union and the South controlled by the United States. This division eventually led to the Korean War in 1950.

Are people educated in North Korea?

Yes, but the education is strictly controlled by the government

Is North Korea the worst country in the world?

North Korea is controlled by a greedy dictator who forces them to work hard with little bits of money. Most NOrth KOreans are homeless and starving. North Korea is known to be the largest death camp in the world.

Does North Korea have jury duty?

No, North Korea does not have a jury system. Instead, trials are presided over by a single judge or panel of judges. The judiciary in North Korea is controlled by the ruling regime, limiting the independence of the legal system.