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William T. Sherman after the Battle of Atlanta. Phil Sheridan had been doing something similar in the Shenandoah Valley.

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Q: Who carried out a campaign known as total war to destroy southern railroads and industries to ruin the souths economy and its ability to fight?
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What were the effects of shermans march?

Sherman's March to the Sea, led by General William Tecumseh Sherman during the American Civil War, had a profound impact on the Confederacy. The march aimed to destroy the South's ability to wage war and break the morale of its people. It resulted in widespread destruction of crops, livestock, and infrastructure, causing significant economic and psychological damage to the Confederacy.

What was acknowledged as a clear advantage held by the Union over the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War?

The United States (referred to as the Union ) had a clear advantage over the Confederacy in the following areas:A. The Union had a standing navy to help blockade Southern ports and provide the ability to move infantry to Southern ports they controlled or fought to control;B. The Union had a standing army. With a larger population then the Southern States, the Union had the ability to field larger armies;C. The Union had a better railway system then the South. This allowed the Union to bring troops to battle areas with speed;D. The Union had farmlands and livestock to better supply its armies with food;E. The Union had a strong manufacturing base to supply weapons and other materials needed to supply its armies.F. The Union, being a recognized nation in the world had the ability to borrow in the international markets;G. The Union had a larger internal tax base with which to raise funds from its large population base and from its farm and manufacturing groups.

How did Sheridan and Sherman use total war to destroy the Souths ability to fight?

By attacking the infrastructure that supported the armies in the field. On Grant's orders, Sheridan set about destroying the rich farmland of the Shenandoah Valley. A little later, Sherman persuaded Grant that he ought to do the same thing in Georgia, including much destruction of the railroads. Sure enough, the Confederate troops who eventually surrendered were found to be barefoot and starving.

How would the end of slavery in the south have affected the confederates ability to fight the civil war?

Slavery was not ended until the 13th Amendment of December 1865. The Emancipation Proclamation made it illegal, but Congress had no power over the Southern states at that time. The Proclamation affected the Southern war-effort because Union troops were licensed to free any slaves they came across in their Southern campaigns. This robbed Southern employers of much of their workforce, and certainly affected the Confederate war-effort. Only in the last few weeks of the war did the Confederacy approach the British and French, offering to end slavery in exchange for their support of a separate sovereign nation. The offer was refused, to nobody's surprise.

How did military strategies impact the war?

Military strategies can shorten or lengthen a campaign during a war. Preparedness and the ability to anticipate an attack can be a turning point in a conflict. Poorly thought out actions can be disasterous.

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What were grants main goals for the union army?

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people could now go farther away from home

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People could now go farther away from home.

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people could now go further away from home. if they could afford it.

How did building of the railroads affect people's ability to travel?

people could now go further away from home. if they could afford it.

How did the building of the railroads affect people ability to travel?

people could now go further away from home. if they could afford it.

How did the building of the railroads affect people's ability to travel?

people could now go further away from home. if they could afford it.

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Major industries mean the biggest businesses in an area.