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Q: Who became a hero during the battle of new Orleans?
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Who became a hero in the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

How did Andrew Jackson benefit from the battle of new Orleans?

He became a hero

What did andrew jackson do that made him a national hero?

A lawyer and a landowner, he became a national war hero after defeating the British in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.

Who became a national hero result of the battle of new Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Who became an American hero at the battle of new Orleans when he defeated the British?

Andrew Jackson

Who became the hero at the Battle of New Orleans and American's first rear admiral?


Who became a national figure when he led the Americans to victory at the battle of new Orleans?

The Battle of New Orleans was led by General Andrew Jackson. He went on to become the 7th President of the United States.

What did the battle of new Orleans do for Andrew Jackson?

Andrew Jackson became a national hero after leading the victory in the Battle of New Orleans. He received the Thanks of Congress and a Congressional Gold Medal. It has been said that Jackson won the Presidency twenty years later solely because of this victory.

What was a consequence of the Battle of New Orleans and the Southern campaigns of the War of 1812?

Andrew Jackson became a national hero.

Who was the hero in the battle of new Orleans?

Major General Andrew Jackson was the American Hero of New Orleans.

Was Andrew Jackson considered a hero?

during the war of 1812 in the battle of new Orleans. this battle occurred after the treaty of ghent was signed (officially ending the war) however news of the treaty didnt reach new Orleans until after the battle. either way, Jackson led thaousnds of u.s. troops to victory in that battle, one of the main reasons why he was eventually elected president of the usa

Hero of the battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson