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Q: Who announced on the radio that Britain were at war?
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Where was the news that World War 2 had begun announced from in 1939?

on the radio announced by Neville chamberlin

What did Neville chamberlain say when he announced that Britain at war?


Who announced world war 2 on radio?

i am sorry to say this but know one knows

Why was the world war 2 announced on radio?

The world war was announced on the radio so the children wont get harmed easily because the children can have time to evacuate and not get hurt. ___ If a country goes to war the public needs to know! Television was not universally available. Radio was the means of mass communication at the time.

What was the main reason Australia entered World War 2?

Australia followed the lead of Britain. Prime Minister Menzies announced lamely 'Because Great Britain is at war with Germany, Australia also is at war'.

Why did Australia initially get involved in World War 2?

They were and are a part of the Commonwealth.

Where was the news announced from world war 11?

The BBC world news service provided short wave radio news during the entire war.

When was the war announced?

If you are referring to World War 2, Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939, two days after Germany had invaded Poland.

When did Australia become involved in World War 2?

After Britain declared war on Germany, on 3 September 1939 Australia's Prime Member Robert Menzies slavishly announced to the Australian people by radio that 'Great Britain has declared war upon Germany, and as a result Australia is also'. An independent country? Just as bad as later PM Harold Holt announcing 'All the way with LBJ'.

What year did Neville chamberlain declare war on nazi Germany?

Neville Chamberlain made the announcement on the radio to Britain about the war. If you type in Neville Chamberlain- radio there will be his speech!3rd of September 1939

What event causes the US to declare war on Great Britain in 1812?

Jefferson wanted to avoid war. He asked Congress to pass the Non-Intercourse Act. The plan failed to play France and Britain against each other. Later Napoleon announced France would no longer restrict American trade. U.S. declared war on Great Britain.