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the answer is the war between Great Britain and the british colonies

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Q: Which war resulted from objections in the original thirteen colonies to british mercantilism?
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What colonies were in debt to England through trade?

Great Britain practiced a policy of mercantilism, where its colonies existed solely to benefit the mother country. This aggressive economic policy, coupled with the Navigation Acts which forced the colonies to engage in trade with Britain only, resulted in a massive deficit of the colonies to the British Crown. Up until the beginning of the American Revolution, most, if not all, of the original thirteen colonies were indebted to Great Britain.

How did mercantilism benefit the Mother country?

Mercantilism is the economic policy that a metropole (mother country) should have a number of colonies that provide it material wealth, unrefined resources, and a market for its goods. As a result, according to mercantilism, the colonies were required to engage in two general behaviors: (1) The colonies were locked into exclusive trade between the colonies and the metropole and were not allowed to trade with any other nation or colony. (2) No manufactures or complex goods could be made in the colonial territory. As a result the colonies would provide wealth to the metropole by trading their natural resources for less than they would be worth and by buying manufactures for much more money.These two behaviors resulted in mercantilism providing an economic benefit to the metropole.

Does the 'Independence' from 'Independence Day' come from England?

Yes - America's Declaration of Independence (from England and all others) resulted in the formation of the United States of America from the original thirteen colonies.

What was resulted in the 1st blood spilled by the British in the colonies?

Lexington Massacre

Which resulted from salutary neglect?

The colonies developed a merchant marine industry.

Which act passed in Britain resulted in the first colonies boycott of the British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

Why did the glorious Revolution in England lead to uprising in the American Colonies?

It broke up New England into colonies which resulted in more freedom and salutary neglect

What are the major achievement of articles of cofederation?

The Articles resulted in joining the 13 individual colonies into a nation.

Which of these colonies experienced a slave revolt that resulted in its independence?

i dont know stupid thats why i asked you

Did british colonies trade freely with west Europe?

No. With the mercantile policies of the crown the colonies were limited to English only trade. This resulted in an active smuggling trade with France and the Dutch.

A large tract of land granted by the king of England resulted in the formation of what two colonies?

Rhode Island and Massachusetts

What did they southern colonies make?

People. The male and female colonials had intercourse, inducing birth, which in turn, resulted in more people