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Q: Which nation suffered the greatest number of soldier killed?
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What nation suffered the greatest number of soldiers killed during World War 2?

Russia, suffering approximately 22 million deaths, civilian and military, almost 15% of their total population.

What nations suffered fewest casualties?

Iran was the nation that suffered the fewest casualties in WWII numbering only 200 resistance soldiers. The Soviet Union was the nation that suffered the greatest number of casualties in World War II numbering over 23 million.

What nation suffered the greatest loss in lives and property damage during world war 2?

The U.S.S.R = Soviet Union

What nation suffered the greatest number of both civilian and military dead and wounded in world war 2?

Soviet Union

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Iran was the nation that suffered the fewest casualties in WWII numbering only 200 resistance soldiers. The Soviet Union was the nation that suffered the greatest number of casualties in World War II numbering over 23 million.

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A Fire Nation soldier killed her because they were trying to destroy all the waterbenders in the Southern Water Tribe. Katara's mother told the soldier that she was the last waterbender to protect Katara. He probably burned her guts or something. Katara later found the soldier, but couldn't kill him. It was in the episode that was Zuko and Katara's adventure (that's why Toph wanted to go on a "life changing adventure" with him sometime in Book 3)

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