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For Americans fighting on or near their own soil the Civil War was the bloodiest of the wars. It would out do the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812 and The Mexican American War. The Battle of Gettysburg out did them all.

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Q: Which killed more soldiers in one day than in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?
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Which two-day battle in which more soldiers were killed in one day than in the Revolutionary War the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?


Which battle killed more soldiers in one day than in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?

Antietam in the Civil War

A two day battle in which more soldiers were killed in one day than in the Revolutionary War the War of 1812 and the Mexican War combined?

C (Shiloh) a+ Go gila ridge hawks!

Mexican revolutionary that killed 17 Americans?

Pancho Villa.

How many Soldiers were killed in the Battle of Shiloh?

if you are asking for both Union and Confederate combined, over 23,000.

What was the biggest number of American solders killed?

The biggest number of American soldiers killed was during the American civil war. more Americans were killed then then in every other war combined.

Who Is William Tavington And why was he important to the Revolutionary War?

William Tavington was the Butcher in the American Revolution. He was important becasue he killed all the colonial soldiers, wonded or not.

How did the headless horsemen die?

He was an unknown rank in the military during the Revolutionary War. he was one of the soldiers killed in battle, supposedly by another American soldier.

What was the ending result of The Battle Of Puebla?

It was a decisive victory for Mexico, with 462 French soldiers killed against only 83 Mexican casualties.

What disease did Jim Bowie die from?

While Jim Bowie was ill with pneumonia at the time of his death, he did not die from it. He was killed by Mexican soldiers as they stormed the Alamo.

What events happend in the Boston massacre?

British soldiers killed 5 unarmed civilians in Boston on March 5th, 1770, and is one of the things that sparked the Revolutionary War.

How did Congress pay the soldiers for their service in the Revolutionary War?

they gave them one dollar for one person killed so if they killed 30 people they would get 30 bucks they would be paided every night