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The Battle of Fort McHenry. Francis Scott Key was present at the battle, so he wrote a poem about exactly what he saw.

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Q: Which battle was the star spangled banner written about?
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Which flag was the star spangled banner?

The star spangled banner was also called the Great Garrison flag. The star spangled banner was the garrison flag that flew over the Baltimore harbor at Fort McHenry during part of the War of 1812.

Which war was being fought in when the star spangled banner was written?

Fort McHenry, just outside of Baltimore, Maryland.

What happened at fort mchenry?

Francis Scott Key wrote the star spangled banner while the big war was going on because he didn't know if he was going to live or not and America won our freedom now everyone knows the star spangled banner which used to be a poem called "the defense of ft. Mc Henry.

What does spangled mean in the Star Spangled Banner?

The word "spangled" is an old word that is not used much in conversation these days, except in the National Anthem. It means "having spangles". A "spangle" is a small and shiny object, often sewn onto fabric to use as a decoration. Probably, Francis Scott Key thought the stars in the flag reminded him of the stars in the sky, because the stars were glittering and beautiful; and seeing the flag still waving after a difficult battle in the war, was also beautiful to him.

Why was the battle of fort Henry?

It was a successful defense for the Americans. Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the “Star-Spangled Banner” because of this battle. Since neither side had a huge victory, it was just another battle that convinced Madison to sign a peace treaty with Britain to end the killing of people on both sides.

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