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The Union Army won the Battle of Chattanooga. The victory opened the gate for the invasion of Georgia and the campaign for the conquest of Atlanta.

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Q: Which army won the battle of Chattanooga?
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Who won the battle at Chattanooga?

The North.

Who won the Chattanooga Tennessee war?

I presume you are talking about the Battle of Lookout Mountain, the most famous battle of the Civil War in the Chattanooga area. The Union won that battle.

Who was the winner at the battle of Chattanooga?

The Union won.

Who was the leader of the south during the battle of Chattanooga?

General Braxton Bragg was the commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee during the Battle of Chattanooga.

What future president led troops into battle in Chattanooga?

Ulysses Sympson Grant who, at the time of the battle of Third Battle of Chattanooga was the commander of the Union Army of Cumberland and that of Tennessee, which fought that battle.

How many confederates were there in the battle of Chattanooga?

the answer is not zero but i do not know how many there was i guess around 5000 NEW RESPONDENT The Confederate Army at the battle of Chattanooga had 64,000 men.

What could the union army do after the Battle of Vicksburg that was a result of their victory?

Go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga.

Where was the Chattanooga battle?

The Battle of Chattanooga battle was fought near Chattanooga, Tennessee

Who won at the battle of the wilderness?

grant won the battle, the union army

How many weapons did the union take during the battle of Chattanooga?

ANSWER During the third Battle of Chattanooga (Nov. 1863) the Union Army seized 40 guns and 6175 individual guns.

What was the outcome Battle of Chickamauga?

Although a battlefield victory for the Confederate Army, their goal in the battle was to destroy the Union Army and prevent them from moving into Chattanooga and neither was obtained.

In the civil warwho won the battle of bull runthe union or the confederate army?

The Battle of Bull Run was won by the Confederate Army.