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military and civilian targets


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Q: Where did union forces focus their attacks?
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In effort to demoralize the south after 1863 where did union forces focus their attacks?

On the two main Confederate armies - the Army of Tennessee under Joe Johnston, and the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee. This was the initiative of the new General-in-Chief of the Union armies, Ulysses Grant, who was not interested in occupying territory. He just wanted to destroy the enemy.

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What principle of war did confederate forces gain initially st the bsttle of shiloh?

During the American Civil War, the principle of war that Confederate forces gained initially (at the start of the first day's battle) was the principle of surprise. Having approached the Union positions basically undetected, the Confederates made great gains on the first day with their initial attacks mainly because those attacks came as a complete surprise to most of the Union forces that were engaged.

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The burning of Chambersburg occurred during the American Civil War in 1864 when Confederate forces under General McCausland burned the town in retaliation for the burning of Southern towns by Union forces. The goal was to disrupt Northern supply lines and discourage further Union attacks.

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the union forces defeated the confederate forces

When grant took command of the union forces in 1864 he personally led attacks where?

In Virginia - from The Wilderness to Richmond, however long it took. And it took the best part of a year!

When was Union of the Forces of Progress created?

Union of the Forces of Progress was created in 1991.

When was Union of Rightist Forces created?

Union of Rightist Forces was created in 1999.