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There were Dance Halls in almost every town where people could dance and listen to live band music, or record players. These would be open every night (except Sundays) unless there was fighting going on nearby in which case for obvious reasons the dance hall would not open.

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Q: Where did people go dancing during world war 2?
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Why did people go dancing during world war 2?

Why do people go dancing now? It was just fun and it probably took their mind off of the war and whatever other personal problems they had.

In world war 2 what would people do in street parties?

dancing, Eating and stuff.

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Some people were indeed tortured during World War 1. These people were typically prisoners of war that were held captive for ransom and incentives.

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To get away from the war.

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How many people died during Wold War 1?

About 17,000,000 people died during World War I. An additional 22,000,000 were wounded.

Did the people living during World War 2 call the war World War 2?

yes because there was a previous war before it.

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Into the countryside