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To find the value of foreign currency from the WWII era, you can try taking it to an antiques dealer. They may be able to appraise it for you or refer you to someone who can.

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Q: Where can you find the value of foreign currency from the World War 2 era?
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One popular site for foreign currency trading is Forex On Demand, which not only is a platform for foreign currency trading but also offers informational articles about foreign currency trades. Another popular site for foreign currency trading is the XE website, which includes a help section as well as a forum to learn more about it.

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One could visit the website Foreign Exchange Services for more information on purchasing foreign currency. Another option it to visit a bank. Most will do currency exchange and purchase.

Where can one find an online money converter for foreign currency?

When looking to convert currency from foreign currency then it is possible to do this online. There are websites that offer free currency calculators for anyone to use. The Oanda, Post Office, Travelex websites are just some of the websites online offering a free foreign currency converter.

Where can one find a converter for foreign currency exchange trading?

A converter for foreign currency exchange trading can be found anywhere on the internet. There are lots of currency calculators you can buy online off of many electronic websites.

Where can one look to find a world currency converter?

World currency converters can be found on the websites of most foreign exchange sites and newspapers sites. It is even possible to get a conversion by putting the search term straight into Google and that will return a response.

What is the best foreign exchange currency calculator to use?

There are many foreign exchange currency calculators to be found on various websites and a search of these will find one to your personal preference. They are available at Go Currency, XE, and the RBC Royal Bank websites.

Where can one find information on foreign currency rates?

To get information on the current foreign currency rate, you can do a web search for that information. You can also search for the difference between two countries at that current time.

Where can one find news on currency trading?

One can find news on currency trading news at Forex News Trading. You can look at current foreign currency exchange rates, so you can mobile trading as well.

Where can one find information on online foreign currency trading?

If one is wanting to find information online for foreign currency trading there are a number of sites providing valuable information. One site that is interesting is the WikiHow website. One can also find information on the Forex and Nazdaq sites.