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May 1863

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Q: When was the battle of chancellorville?
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What was the impact of the battle Chancellorville?

This battle was an early turning point in the Civil War in favor for the North. Stonewall Jackson died, which increased morale for the north causing them to win the battle at Chancellorville.

Where did the battle of chancellorville take place?

In Virginia, Spotsylvania County.

What were the union casualties for the battle of chancellorville?

11,116 died and wounded and 5,676 prisoners and missing.

Daring southern commender killed at the battle of chancellorville?

Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson.

Why was the battle of chancellorville important?

The Battle of Chancellorsville is considered to be one of General Robert E. Lee's greatest victory. It allowed his troops to continue on to Gettysburg.

Who won the battle of Chancellorville was it Confederate or was it Union?

The Confederates. It was the last and greatest triumph of the Lee-Jackson partnership, before Jackson's fatal shooting.

Who was the commander of the battle of chancellorville?

For the victorious Confederates - Robert E. Lee, helped for the last time by Stonewall Jackson, killed at this battle. For the Union - Joe Hooker, a successful organiser and leader, but wrong-footed this time by the brilliant tactics of the Lee-Jackson duo.

Who lead the army of the potomac at chancellorville in the civil war?

Joseph Hooker

Why did the Battle of Antietam had a positive effect on northern morale while the battle at Fredericksburg and Chancellorville had negative effect?

The battle of Antietam or Sharpsburg prevented the Confederacy's Army of Northern Virginia under Gen. Lee from invading the northern states. The battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville were Confederate victories preventing the US forces from taking the Confederate capital of Richmond.

Who was accidentally killed by his own men in chancellorville during civil war?

Stonewall Jackson

What famous battles was Robert E. Lee?

Historians consider Chancellorville to be Lee's greatest victory.

Who was the first to attack in the battle of chancellorville?

The Union Army of Potomac. In the evening of 28th of April the Northerners crossed the Rappahannock by surprise, capturing the Confederate picket guarding the observation post of Elly's Ford, opening the way to the outflanking manoeuvre of Lee's positions at Fredericksburg.