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Q: When was poison gas bomb invented?
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Which of these choices was not a new technology used during World War 1 machine guns barbed wire poison gas atomic bomb?

Machine guns and barbed wire were not new technology during WW I. The atomic bomb would not exist for another 30 years. (Poison gas was invented during WW I, and first used by French forces.)

What inventions were invented between 1914-1918?

• Planes • Submarines • Nuclear weapons • Colossus • Tanks • Poison gas • Flamethrower • Zeppelins • Gas masks •

What are some weapons and inventions from World War 1?

Poison Gas was invented in 1915, Germans used it in Trench Warfare. Gas masks were eventually given to soldiers but people can argue that Poison Gas was one of the most deadly weapons in WWI. Germans invented U-Boats (submarines) to take down enemy ships filled with soldiers and military supplies. Britain created the first tank in 1916, they were mostly used in Trench Warfare but had limited use because they often broke down. Im not sure who first started to use airplanes in WWI but i do know that the Germans invented "Zeppelins" in 1915, Zeppelins were gas filled balloons used to bomb places.

Where was the time bomb invented?

The first time bomb was invented at Yale University. It was invented by David Bushnell and used in the first submarine used in combat.

How did the poison gas change the strategies of the war?

Poison gas became a hugely feared weapon that killed many people. It was a new invention and scared people who started thinking what else could be invented to kill and torture humans? People who breathed it in died a slow painful death.

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What weapons was NOT used in World War 1tank atomic bomb poison gas airplane?

Atomic bomb

Which of these choices was not a new technology used during World War 1 machine guns barbed wire poison gas atomic bomb?

Machine guns and barbed wire were not new technology during WW I. The atomic bomb would not exist for another 30 years. (Poison gas was invented during WW I, and first used by French forces.)

What kinds of bombs are there?

Smoke bomb Tear bomb Hydrogen bomb Nuclear bomb Water bomb Atomic bomb Fire bomb Grenade Dynamite Poison gas bomb Acid bomb Flare bomb Spark bomb Fireworks Stink bomb

What was before the atomic bomb?

conventional explosive and incendiary bombs. also poison gas bombs.

What scientist invented poison gas in World War 1?

Fritz Haber

Who invented poison gases in world war 1?

The Germans, and the French used poison gas and other gases likePoison Gastear GasViolent fit of sneezingBut Poison Gas was mainly used in WWII.

What country invented the tank zeppelins and chlorine poison gas?

tank, UKzeppelin, Germanychlorine, Germany

Why was poison gas invented?

Poison gas was invented as a chemical weapon for use in combat, with intended effects of incapacitating or killing enemy soldiers. It was first used in World War I as a means of gaining a tactical advantage on the battlefield.

The weapon unveiled by the Germans that terrified the English was the?

Poison gas was the terrifying weapon of World War 1. The V1 Flying Bomb and V2 Rocket were the terrifying weapons of WW2.

What bomb was invented after the a-bomb?

The Hydrogen Bomb .

What is the name of nagasaki bomb?

There was no "Poison", it was just an atomic bomb.

Who invented the nuclear bomb where was he from?

Leo Szilard invented the fission bomb. Edward Teller invented the fusion bomb. Both were from Hungary.