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Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare in 1915. The Germans declared the waters around the British Isle a war zone. The would attack any merchant ship entering that area.

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Q: When does Germany resume unrestricted submarine warfare?
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Why did Admiral Holtzendorff promise Emperor William not one American will land on the continent?

He wanted to convince the emperor to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. (:

List five evidence to support U.S decision to declare war in ww1?

1- German submarine attacks on merchant and passenger ships carrying American citizens 2- Germany denounced it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare 3- Cultural ties between Americans and the Allies 4- The Zimmerman note in which the Germans promised that in return to Mexico's support, Germany would help them to reconquie the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.

What made US join World War 1?

When the Germans sank the the English luxury liner, Lusitania in the 1915, where American passengers were on board. Not really seeing as the Lusitania was sunk in 1915 and America didn't join the war until the 6th of April 1917. Economic interests contributed as well as the Zimmerman telegraph. It was unrestricted submarine warfare in general and not just the sinkin of the Lusitania but also the Arabic and Sussex. After the Lusitania was sunk, Germany stopped the unrestricted submarine warfare but in January 1917 they resumed it. Also Germany had tried to persuade Mexico to join world war I and attack the U.S. the sinking of the lusitania

When did the United States enter World War 1?

America's long-standing policy of isolationism left the United States reluctant to involve itself with what was popularly perceived, among the American public, as a European war. Early in 1917, Germany resumed its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. This, combined with public indignation over the Zimmermann telegram, led to a final break of relations with the Central Powers. After further U-boat attacks on American merchant ships, President Woodrow Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, which it did on April 6, 1917 (see: Woodrow Wilson declares war on Germany on Wikisource). The House approved the war resolution 373-50, the Senate 82-6. Wilson hoped a separate peace could be achieved with Austria-Hungary; however, when it kept its loyalty to Germany, the US declared war on Austria-Hungary in December 1917. Although the American contribution to the war was important, particularly in terms of the threat posed by an increasing US infantry presence in Europe, the United States was never formally a member of the Entente, but an "Associated Power." Significant numbers of American troops only arrived in Europe in the summer of 1918. Germany calculated that it would be some time before large numbers of American troops could be sent to Europe, and that, in any event, the U-boat offensive would prevent their arrival. Still, the United States had been in a state of full military-related production, aiding the Entente for quite some time, and had also loaned the Allied powers vast sums of money. For these reasons, the Germans had made the decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare, despite the threat of U.S. intervention, gambling that they would win the war before America could make an impact on the battlefield. The United States Navy sent a battleship group to Scapa Flow to join with the British Grand Fleet, a number of destroyers to Queenstown, Ireland and several submarines to the Azores and to Bantry Bay, Ireland to help guard convoys. Several regiments of U.S. Marines were also dispatched to France. However, it would be some time before the United States would be able to contribute significant manpower to the Western and Italian fronts. The British and French wanted the United States to send its infantry to reinforce their troops already on the battlelines. Indeed, throughout the war, the American forces were short of their own artillery, aviation, and engineering units. However, General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Force (AEF) commander, resisted breaking up American units and using them as reinforcements for British Empire and French units. Without experience in this type of warfare, Pershing ordered the use of frontal assaults, which had been discarded by that time by British Empire and French commanders as too costly in lives of their troops. As a result, the AEF suffered a very high rate of casualties in its operations in the summer and fall of 1918.

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Germany decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare in January 1917 Which of the following is NOT a reason why?

On January 31, 1917, Germany notified the United States that there would be a resumption of unrestricted submarine attacks. They announced that they would sink on sight all merchant ships found in a zone around the British Isles or in the Mediterranean Sea. US President Woodrow Wilson then cut off diplomatic relations between the US and Germany.

Why did Admiral Holtzendorff promise Emperor William not one American will land on the continent?

He wanted to convince the emperor to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. (:

Why did Admiral Holtzendorff promise Emperor William II 'not one American will land on the continent'?

He wanted to convince the emperor to resume unrestricted submarine warfare.

Why did admiral holtzendorff promise emperor William 2 not one American will land on the continent?

He wanted to convince the emperor to resume unrestricted submarine warfare.

The US tried to avoid involvement in world war 1 by following a policy of what?

When World War One developed, the US followed a policy of neutrality towards the nations involved in that conflict. In 1917, however, the German announcement that it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare pushed the US into the war against Germany and her allies.

List five evidence to support U.S decision to declare war in ww1?

1- German submarine attacks on merchant and passenger ships carrying American citizens 2- Germany denounced it would resume unrestricted submarine warfare 3- Cultural ties between Americans and the Allies 4- The Zimmerman note in which the Germans promised that in return to Mexico's support, Germany would help them to reconquie the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.

Why did President Wilson finally decide to join the Allies in World War I?

1) The British found a letter written by Germany that tried to get Mexico to declare war on the USA, and 2) Germany said they were going to resume unrestricted submarine warfare and sink any ships (civilian or military) sailing between the USA and England. These two actions finally provoked President Wilson to ask the Congress to declare War on Germany.

Why was America involved in the Great War?

Germany announced plans to resume un-restricted sub warfare; they were warned not to do it.

Who did the US go to war against in World War 1?

They fought against the Central Powers, the two main countries being Germany and Austria-Hungary. The US joined after Germany re-commenced unrestricted submarine warfare after having ceased at the request of Wilson, but they resumed it after pressure from the Navy forced the Kaiser to. The naval blockade from Britain was destroying Germany at home, and they had little choice but to resume. Another cause was the infamous Zimmermann telegram, which Germany sent to Mexico trying to coax them into fighting America, with Japan's help. They miscalculated the time it would take America to mobilize, thinking it would take many months, but instead only took weeks. Germany would make the same mistake in WW2 against Russia this time.

Who was the last to declare war on Germany in World War 1?

The USA declared war on Germany, after it was revealed that Germany wanted Mexico to declare war on the USA, and after Germany said they would resume submarine sinking of civilian, neutral ships carrying supplies to England and France.

When did the US enter World War I on which side?

U.S. Entered World War I April 6, 1917 On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to fight in World War I.

What made US join World War 1?

When the Germans sank the the English luxury liner, Lusitania in the 1915, where American passengers were on board. Not really seeing as the Lusitania was sunk in 1915 and America didn't join the war until the 6th of April 1917. Economic interests contributed as well as the Zimmerman telegraph. It was unrestricted submarine warfare in general and not just the sinkin of the Lusitania but also the Arabic and Sussex. After the Lusitania was sunk, Germany stopped the unrestricted submarine warfare but in January 1917 they resumed it. Also Germany had tried to persuade Mexico to join world war I and attack the U.S. the sinking of the lusitania