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U-2 reconnaissance overflights. In addition, RF-101s from shaw AFB confirmed the high altitude photos of the U-2s with low level photos.

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Q: When did the us discover missiles in cuba?
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When Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and US withdrew missiles from?


What Should the US do in response to the Soviet build up of missiles in Cuba?

That was in 1962 and the US acted correctly in stopping ships carrying missiles to Cuba.

When the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved The Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US withdrew missiles for where?

The US withdrew missiles from Turkey.

When the Cuban missile crisis was resolved the soviet union withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US withdrew missiles from?

The US withdrew missiles from Turkey.

How did the US discover the missiles?

If you are asking about the missiles in Cuba they were discovered by the use of spy planes and people on the ground. A spy plane flew over and shot pictures of the silos for the missiles. The people on the ground confirmed that they were there. Kennedy told Russia that they had to remove the missiles and the result was the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Why did Cuba aim missiles at the US?

Russia placed missiles in Cuba during the cold war to provide counter attack if the USA. made a attack. The missiles were eventually moved out of Cuba when JFK won a debate between Fidel Castro, JFK, and Nikita Khrushchev.because the U.S. already has missiles in turkeyThe Soviet missiles were located in Cuba, because it was close enough to the Soviet enemy(US), and Fidel Castro was willing to put the missiles in his country.

How did the us discover that the soviet union had placed surface to air missiles in cuba?

U2 Spy planes took arial photographs

When did the Soviet Union install missiles in Cuba?

There is no picture of any actual missiles in Cuba.. All the pictures are of sites and trucks and empty carriers and items covered up. The entire ploy was to get the US to remove Missiles from Turkey.

Where did the soviet union put missiles aimed at the us?


Did The US learn of the missiles in Cuba from a network of spies?


When the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved Russia withdrew missiles from Cuba and the US with drew missiles from?


How did the US react to the missiles in cuba?

Kennedy responded to Soviet missiles in Cuba by a naval quarantine of Cuba to prevent the shipment of new missiles coupled with nuclear threat. When soviet ships carrying missiles were near to Cuba, the were stopped by American ships and ordered to turn back. No one in the US knew what the Soviets might do, but they turned back peacefully.There have already been tensions between Cuba and the US ever since Castro came to power in the late 1950s. Cuba became communist and began negotiations with the Soviet Union (The US's enemy during the Cold War). The Soviet Union wanted to counter the US missiles in Turkey by sending intermediate ranged missiles into Cuba. This action caused panic within America and President Kennedy was forced to promise that he would no longer attempt to overthrow Castro or the Cuba government and he would take his missiles out of Turkey if the Soviet Union took their missiles out of the Cuba.He ordered a Quarantine on cuba and stopped the soviet ships from bringing any missiles to cuba. This was due to concerns that the soviets can attack the west.