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Q: When did the samurai live?
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What was a samurai expected to live by?

A samurai was expected to live by the Code of Bushido.

When was Saturday Night Live Samurai created?

Saturday Night Live Samurai was created in 1975.

What kind of houses did samurai live in?

The samurai would live in huts castles there r still samurai to day but to train for it you dont search samurai training you search akido witch is a form of samurai how i spelt akido might not be right tho.

Where did the samurai live?


Where did a samurai live?


Where did the ancient Samurai live?


How did samurais live?

samurai lives aprox:100 years. The oldest samurai in the world lived 147 years.

Where do the power rangers samurai live?

its not real

In which country did the samurai warriors live?

In Japan

What was the geography in the last samurai?

samurai is fake jesus is true he died on a cross to save you from your sins and live eternity!

How many Afro Samurai movies are there?

One - "Afro Samurai: Resurrection" but there may be an upcoming live-action version .

Did samurai's live in houses?

no they lived in castle but Japanese castles