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919 A.D. They first used it for cannons

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Q: When did the Chinese first use gunpowder as a weapon?
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How does the firework relate to china?

The Chinese invented gunpowder, and fireworks was their first use for gunpowder. The Chinese have been connected with the idea of fireworks ever since.

What was invented by the Chinese first for use in fireworks but was later adapted for use in weapons?


When was the first firework show?

Chinese people use GUNPOWDER as fire works

What did the Chinese use gunpowder for?

They used gunpowder for fireworks and weapons.

The Mongols were the first to use gunpowder to?

No, the Chinese used gunpowder before the Mongols did. So did the Jurchens, who conquered northern China in the early 1100s. The Mongols undoubtedly acquired knowledge of gunpowder weapons from the Jurchens and the Chinese.

What were three inventions from the iron ages?

Gunpowder, Invented by the Chinese Stirrups, also invented by the Chinese. and used for horse-riders to use swords and spears. catapult, the first artillery weapon invented by the Greek.

Was gunpowder the first known chemical explosive to china?

Gunpowder was first invented in China no later than about A.D. 850. For hundreds of years, it was used mainly to create fireworks. The Chinese did not use gunpowder as a weapon of war; it was the Europeans who first adapted explosives for use in weapons. By the fourteenth century, Europeans were widely using the explosive as a military device to project stones, spearlike projectiles, and metal balls from cannons and guns.

Which country was the first to use black powder as a weapon?

Probably China. They were the first to use gunpowder, invented around the 1100's Jin Dynasty.

Who invented the very first rockets?

The Chinese invented gunpowder and used it to power rockets hundreds of years ago. Then Marco Polo, from Europe, visited China, and told his fellow Europeans about the Chinese, their use of gunpowder and rockets. Then Europeans further developed gunpowder and rockets.The Chinese.

What was the name of the first gun?

1232: The Chinese who invented gunpowder (black powder) first used it in a weapon-gunpowder filled tubes aka rockets. 1364: First recorded use of a firearm-shooter lit wicks by hand that ingnited gunpowder that was loaded into the gun barrel. 1400s: Matchlock guns-first mechanically firing of guns.

How long has gunpowder been in use?

Gunpowder was invented by the Ancient Chinese. Gunpowder came to Europe in the 1260s.

What types of weapons did the Chinese use?
