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Q: When did children start to evacuate in World War 2?
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Was it right to evacuate children during world war 2?

i think it was right to evacuate children in WWII because it was for their safety

Who got evacuate World War 2?

children in the uk

Why did children evacuate in world war 2?

Children were evacuated for their safety from cities under attack or would possibly be attacked .

What was operation pied piper?

save meeeeeeeeeee helpppppppppp It was basically the evacuation of British cities at the start of the second World War.

What countries had to evacuate in world war 2?


Why did children evacuate from large British cities?

They evacuated the children so they wouldn't get bombed during the war.

Why did people have to evacuate in world war 2?

If they lived in cities, or (close to) military targets they'd evacuate to avoid getting bombed.

When did children start to get evacuated in world war 2?

scince the beggining

Why was the world war 2 announced on radio?

The world war was announced on the radio so the children wont get harmed easily because the children can have time to evacuate and not get hurt. ___ If a country goes to war the public needs to know! Television was not universally available. Radio was the means of mass communication at the time.

What was the name of the Canadians that were forced to evacuate Canada in World War 2?


Why did they evacuate kids in World War 2?

To save them from potentially being killed. Why else?

When did they first start to evacuate people in World War 2?

When people who weren't sympathetic to the Nazis realized what was really happening to so many innocents. 2.5 years after the war started was when the truth finally started to dawn on them.