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Reed & Barton's history narrative first mentions supplying the U.S. Navy with fine silver services to the battleships Arizona, California, Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota, and Utah.

The Arizona was launched in 1915.

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Q: When did Reed and Barton make silverware for the U.S. Navy?
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What country had the largest navy in world war 1?

Germany had a very powerful Navy during World War One, because their U-Boats (Submarines) were the most efficient and they were the first to make them. And so they had lots of U-Boats which gave them an advantage. Arguably Germany had the strongest Navy in both World Wars. (1 and 2)

What was flottenpolitik?

The pre-First World War German policy for building up a navy to counter that of the British. It was originally thought up by Kaiser Wilhelm II, bearing in mind his childish yet serious nature to 'have the bigger navy with bigger guns' but also to make Germany a world power.

What is the differences between navy and marines?

They are two separate Armed Forces within the Department of the Navy and under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy. The Marine Corps is not however a separate command under the control of the United States Navy or the Chief of Naval Operations but is commanded by the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Do you need to be able to swim to be in the navy?

You can enlist in the navy without knowing how to swim, but the Navy will teach you before you leave basic training.You can Enlist without knowing how. But, Once you get into Basic Training The Navy Will teach you to Swim. The Instructers are SEALS, and SEAL Divers.

How did the South respond to the North's improvement of the its Navy to create a blockade?

{| |- | They had limited resources, so they attempted to make the best of what they had. They developed submarine warfare and had limited success. They also created a sereies of Iron Clads that they used to attack the Union Navy. Torpedoes, what we know call mines, were also used to provide protection. The Blockade Runners managed to keep small amounts of supplies coming through. |}

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No, that was Betsy Ross. Barton founded the American Red Cross.