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By March 1972 most of Australia's force was back. Then in December when Whitlam (Labour government) was elected he withdrew the last 150 (approx.) troops. That was the end. :)

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Centurion tanks and Infantrymen operated around II and III Corps.

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Australians mirrored the US and began leaving when we did; finishing up in about 1972.

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australian troops withdrawed in 1972 6 january

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Q: When did Australia pull troops out of Vietnam war?
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Why did Australia get militarily involved in Vietnam?

Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism. What began as a limited engagement of a few troops ended with more than 60,000 troops in Vietnam and the title as Australia's most costly war.

How long were australia troops involved in the vietnam war?

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he was the prime minister of Australia and he sent the troops to Vietnam

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Australia was an ally of the US and sent troops to fight in both WWII and Vietnam.

What did Nixon promise about the Vietnam War during his campaign for the 1968 election?

Nixon said that he would pull troops out of Vietnam. Under a plan called "peace with honor", Nixon planned to negotiate an end to the war.

When did Australia enter the Vietnam conflict?

Australian troops entered into the Vietnam War on the 29th April 1965.

Was South Korea and Australia allies with the US during the Vietnam War?

Yes. In fact both countries had combat troops helping South Vietnam during the Vietnam war.

Was the fear of communism the most important reason for Australia sending troops to Vietnam?

That was the basis for Australia joining the ANZUS Pact, and the Pact was the basis for its entry into the Vietnam War.

What can be assumed about Kennedy's actions in dealing with the Vietnam War?

He would pull American troops out as soon as it was possible.

How did Australia end the Vietnam war?

Australia had nothing to do with the Vietnam War.

When did Australia become involved in the Vietnam War?

Australia began exiting the war in Vietnam in 1970 and most all troops were out of the country by 1973. They did briefly send troops back in 1975 to help Australian embassy workers evacuate during the Fall of Saigon.

How did Americans get out of fighting in the Vietnam War?

The Americans used a process called Vietnamization to pull their troops out of Vietnam. South Vietnamese soldiers slowly took over the jobs of American soldiers in Vietnam in order to get troops out without causing much of a dramatic change.