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Throughout the war.

He was an officer in the Regular Army, stationed in Louisiana when hostilities started. He then went North to serve the Union cause, forming an important partnership with U.S. Grant, whom he eventually succeeded as General-in-Chief of the U.S. Army.

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Q: What years did William Sherman serve in the civil war?
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Did William T Sherman die in the Civil War?

No,William Tecumseh Sherman died in 1891, 26 years after the end of the Civil War.

What years did William McKinley serve in the war?

25th President William McKinley served in the American Civil War in 1861-1865

How old is William Tecumseh Sherman?

General William T. Sherman (1820-1891) was a Civil War general. He was born February 8, 1820 and died at age 71. The year 2015 marked the 195th anniversary of his birth.

Did General Sherman die in battle?

No. William Tecumseh Sherman, the Union general known for his "March to the Sea" during the Civil War, lived for almost 30 years after the war ended in 1865. He died in New York City on February 14, 1891 at the age of 71. Sherman is well remembered for two statements he made in his final years. In an 1880 speech, he referred to war as "all hell." And he ruled out an 1884 run as a Republican candidate for U.S. president by declaring, "I will not run if nominated and I will not serve if elected."

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nonnne hahah

How did former US major General William T. Sherman die?

Former Major General William Tecumseh Sherman died of natural causes. He was 71 years old when he died on February 14th, 1891.

What was the important message Union General William T Sherman relayed to the governor of Ohio in 1863?

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She Did Not serve in the War, she was a Nurse to the soldiers DURING the war.

What years did Robert E. Lee serve in the Civil War?

the year 1862

In the final two years of the American Civil War the two most important military leaders for the Union were?

Grant and Sherman.

How did William t sherman succeded grant as a union commander?

That was years after the war, when Grant retired from his position as General-in-Chief.