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assuming second 1939- 1945

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Q: What year was the war production board?
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When was War Production Board created?

War Production Board was created in 1942.

What government agency factory production during the war?

War production board ~Katherine :D

Created to coordinate the production of war materials?

A.War Production Board

What is the best description of the war productions board?

The War Production Board ensured the efficiency of production to keep war materials moving to the battlefronts.

Why did the US government set up for the war production Board?

To increase the production of war materialsThe War Production Board (WPB) was created to oversee the conversion of peacetime industry to war industry.

Why did the government set up the war production board?

to increase the production of war materials

The purpose of the War Production Board was to?

The War Production Board was established by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production of materials during World War II. It was responsible for rationing materials such as fuel, rubber, and metals.

What year did Franklin D. Roosevelt create war production board to coordinate mobilization?

It was establiahed on 1942 as a government agency. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production of matierals & fuel durning WW II in the U.S.

What statement is the best description of the War Production Board?

The War Production Board ensured the efficiency of production to keep war materials moving to the battlefronts.

What was the wpb and what did it do?

The WPB, or War Production Board, was established in the United States for the purpose of supervising war production during the Second World War. It was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

What was the war production board?

TheWar Production Boardwas an agency of theUnited Statesgovernment, which supervised production for war purposes duringWorld War II.

When did the War Production Board begin?

January 16, 1942