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Q: What year was the cold war officially over?
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What year was cold war officially over?


What year was the Cold War over?


What was the cold war and when did it end?

a war between the ussr and the u.s consisting mostly of taunting with words and making the other side look foolish. it was officially declared over in 1991

When did the cold war start ( what year )?

The Cold War started in 1947.

What year did cold war begin?

The cold war began in 1948.

What year did the cold war of Vietnam finish?

Vietnam was PART of the cold war; the cold war lasted from '45 to '90.

What year did the Cold War officially end?

The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. The Soviets collapsed in 1990. Had the Soviets NOT collapsed, there would have been NO Operation Desert Storm in Jan-Feb 1991. The United States would not have conducted such an operation with an intact Soviet Union.

Is the cold war over?


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The year 1971 best represents what social movement?

In the year 1971, one of the biggest movements occurring was the Anti-War Movement. The war was officially over in 1973 when President Nixon brought the last of the soldiers back home.

Who was president at the end of the cold war?

Cold War officially ended 1989 with Berlin wall falling. I assume you mean the US President - Bush senior

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