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The founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Indepence in 1776. This formally severed ties with England.

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13y ago

i think it was in the year on the 19 or maybe it is not that

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15y ago

1776 indpendence day!

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Q: What year did the US separate from Britain?
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When did Britain separate from the US?

1782. Britain did not separate from US it was the US that separated from Britain.

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United Kingdom aka Great Britain

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the republic was set up in 1937 by we where given dominion status from Britain in 1921

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The United States and Canada have been separate countries well before either have been founded as countries.

What year did the US declared war on Britain?

The US has never declared war on Britain during World War II; they were absolute, staunch allies.

What year the US declares war on Britain?

The US has never declared war on Britain during World War II; they were absolute, staunch allies.

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Britain, France, Spain, Holland, and the US signed a peace treaty in 1783

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1783 with the Signing of the Treaty of Paris