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Q: What year did Cold War come to an end?
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In what year did the Cold War begin?

The Cold War began in 1947 and did not end until 1991.

What signs signaled that the Cold War had come to an end?

The coming down of the Berlin Wall signaled the beginning of the end of the Cold War in 1989

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What year did the US get involved in the Cold War?

The Cold War was between the US (and its allies) against the Soviet Union (and its allies). It started in 1945, immediately after WWII. This is because at the end of WWII, the US and Soviet Union proved to be the only two world powers, and the Cold War was a "war" to see who would come out the most powerful. The United States won the "war" in 1991.

What was the reasons for the end of the cold war?

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was the reason for the end of the Cold War.

What decade did the fall of Communism and end of the Cold War?

The Cold War ended in 1991 which would make the end of the cold war in the '90's

What was the end of the cold war like?

it was cold

When was the official end of cold War?

The ending of the cold war was in 1991

What describes the tensions of the cold war in 1980?

the cold war was coming to an end. Apex :)

When was the beginning of the cold war?

beginning of the cold war was 1945 and the end was 1960