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Berta Yundt

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Q: What were women not allowed to do before the war?
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What jobs were women not allowed to do before the war?


What changes allowed women to enter the work force inthe 1920?

World War I was the largest change that allowed women to enter the work force in the 1920s. Men were drafted into the war, which left vacancies at factory jobs, which had typically not been available to women before then.

Why weren't women in World War I allowed to vote?

Women in a number of countries were enfranchised (allowed to vote) well before World War 1 began. Many of those that weren't enfranchised were either just on the verge of it or well on track to it. Several actually granted it during the Great War, and so they can be counted as allowing women to vote during the War.

What war was it when women were allowed to vote?

The Civic War by Harriet Tubman

Why were women not allowed to vote before the 1920?

bBecause women suckk

Were women allowed in Vatican City before?

Women were always allowed in the Vatican. However, they could never be priests.

Why were women not allowed to work in factorys?

they were allowed to work in factories since men were at war

Was world war ll the first war that allowed women in combat?


When were women allowed to have a mans job?

World War II

How did the role of women change in the civil war?

They were allowed to vote.

What duties did women have before the civil war?

Women typically were home makers before and after the American Civil War.

How did women and minorities join in the war?

Women served in the military and other minorities were allowed in combat until the last year of the war.