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what are the three dangerous weapons used in world war1?

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Q: What were three dangerous weapons use in World War 1?
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world war one had less dangerous weapons than world war two

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well there was more dangerous weapons in warfare 1 and less dangerous weapons in warfare now ..............

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The three underlying causes were nationalism,alliances, and more weapons.

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The most dangerous war in the world is the Vietnam War.

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It can be dangerous. Thousands of people died from the radiation caused by the only 2 nuclear weapons used for war.

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Two nuclear weapons ended World War 2.

What where the three battles in world war two?

Air, land and sea were the types of battles fought in World War 2. They used ships, subs, boats, tanks, large weapons and infantry weapons, fighter planes and bomber planes.

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Germany must surrender its submarines and weapons.

What is the three causes of World War 1?

Greediness, lack of food and a whole lot of weapons that needed to be used

What three types of weapons were used during the cold war?

Nuclear weapons, Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons.

What was the reasons behind Albert Einstein's saying that he did not know about the weapons used in the third world war but in fourth world war stone weapons would be used?

He believed that the weapons used in World War Three would be powerful enough to wipe out humanity as we know it, essentially forcing it back into what we call the stone age. Therefore the fourth world war would hypothetically be limited to the weapons available after the destruction of so much human knowledge, which would be sticks and stones.

In world war 2 what countries did not use weapons?

All countries fighting in World War 2 used weapons.