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The biggies of course was whether or not to drop the A-bomb or attempt a land invasion of islands with a probable loss of a million or more US forces.

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Q: What were the two choices Truman had during World War 2?
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Who was Truman during World War 2?

He was Truman before ww2, and during ww2. sometime after ww2, he died.

Where was Harry Truman during World War 2?

in the whitehouse

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What did president Truman do during the world war 2?

Truman was a US Senator for most of the war, becoming the vice-president in 1945.

Did Truman serve in World War 1?

No, President Woodrow Wilson served during World War I.

Who were the us presidentd during world war 2?

FDR & Truman.

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Wilson, FDR and Truman.

Who was president during the end of world war 2?

Harry S. Truman

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Harry Truman.

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What war was it when Harry S. Truman dropped a bomb?

Harry S. Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan during World War II.