Guido Fawlkes was found the night before checking the gunpowder
They hid the gunpowder underneath a pile of coal in the cellar underneath the House of Lords, in parliament.
The gunpowder plot was betrayed in an unsigned letter sent to William Parker, the fourth Baron Monteagle. The writer of the letter is not known.
The Gunpowder Plot
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is also referred to as the Gunpowder Treason Plot. This plot was a plot to blow up James the First. One can learn more specifics about this plot on the History website.
The plot is what actually happens: the storyline. The sequence of events in the plot is the foundation (basis) for the story to unfold and is meant to organize information and events in a logical manner.
In the Gunpowder Plot, the gunpowder was located underneath the House of Lords. Everyone that participated in the plot was sentenced to death.
The gunpowder was being hidden in the gunpowder plot. It was hidden in a cellar under the house of parliament.
some 1 answer it plz i need it 4 me homework
Guido Fawkes (Guy Fawkes) role in The Gunpowder plot was to get the Gunpowder, move it to Parliament and lastly to light it and blowParliament up. But the main aim is to blow the House of Lords up because King James, the lords and Bishops will be there.
John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - was born in 1570.
A secondary series of events in a story can be identified as a sub-plot. This refers to a plot that is secondary in comparison to the main, overarching plot.
John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - died on 1606-01-30.
The character and the plot are connected. The plot of a story has a lot to do with the character(s), because in a way, it evolves with the developments of a character. Whatever you do, you can't separate the plot and the character, because it doesn't matter what you try, they will still be maybe not the same thing, but definitely inseperable.Hope this was what you meant.Plot is the result of the actions of the characters. Character is a reflection of how they react to the events in the plot.
there were 36 barrels.