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look up the seditions and espionage acts of ww1 that should help

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Q: What were the limitations placed on freedom during world war 1?
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Where were Japanese Americans placed during World War 1?

They were not placed anywhere. Japan was not an enemy in World War I.

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Why did people join the military during world war 2?

To fight for freedom

Should freedom of speech be restricted during war?

no freedom of speech should never be restricted no matter what even if its the end of the world

Limitations of freedom during world war war you?

I am assuming you mean World War 2. In the USA one of the limitations of freedom was the Freedom Of The Press. The presidential cabinet forced the media not to reveal there were UBoats in the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern seaboard. They did this to prevent panic in millions and millions of people. The last thing the US needed was millions of people trying to leave the coastal regions all at once. We have seen what happens when a hurricane arrives. The roads out of the states get bogged down and people get into a frenzy. The limitations of freedom however were violated in Europe extensively. Once the Nazis would invade a nation they restricted freedom of movement, freedom of travel, freedom of communication, freedom to be yourself and pursue your own lifestyle, freedom to obtain medical care, food, fuel, things of survival necessity and freedom from fear and oppression. They did not allow people to seek peace, happiness, and prosperity. They would kill at will. They violated the freedoms and rights of the Geneva Conventions. The Japanese was very guilty of this. They did the same things the Nazis did to limit people's freedoms. They also lied to the people about the Allied Forces telling them we would eat them, barbecue them and do horrendous things against them. Thousands of Okinawans killed themselves because of their lives. They were denied their freedom to live.

How did the colonists feel after they were not granted freedom during world war 1?

lets party

What nation violated Americas freedom of the sea?

Germany violated the United States freedom of the seas during World War I with its unrestricted submarine warfare.

Which amendment was violated by Congress during World War 1?

Freedom of speech. The first amendment

What did India do during world war 1?

It fought for the British as they promised to give freedom though they did not

Which acts limited freedom of speech during world war 1?

Sedition and espionage actAdded: It was passed in 1917 and repealed in 1921

Who helped the Filipino soldiers in fighting for our freedom during World War 2?

USA - D. MacArthur

What was president Wilson idealism?

during world war 1, wilson idealism was freedom against Germany