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to mess with the Germans and japeness

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Q: What were the goals and some of the military strategies for each side?
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What kind of military strategy did each side developin the civil war?

I don't know if this is right or wrong but this is what my teacher said to me, That the military strategy each side develop is that they defend there their own home and territory. I don't care if this answer is wrong, I tried my best anyway. - Jennifer

What stratigic-military advantages or drawbacks did each side have in terms of technology and military strength in world war 1?

They used Poison gas, we had the creeping barrage.

What are the strategies of the union and the confederacy?

Narrowed down to the basics, each side had a grand strategy. For the North, they had to use their military power to crush the rebellion. In the South the grand strategy was to make it costly in lives and money to continue fighting the South. The Confederacy's grand strategy centered around defense.The North's based on offensive.

What were the major goals on each side of the Guadalcanal Campaign?

US Goal: Take the island(s); Japanese Goal: Retain the island(s).

What strategic military advantages or drawbacks did each side have in terms of technology and military strength in the Civil War?

the union had man power and an advance industry whereas the south did not have a large man power nor industry.................

How did the armies recruit people for the civil war?

After the beginning of the US Civil War, each side resorted to making joining their military a voluntary thing to aid their respective sides. Each side appealed to the patriotism of its citizens. As the war grew in size and intensity, draft laws were enacted to bring new soldiers to each side's military forces. Draft laws were first enacted in the South in 1862 and in 1863 draft laws were enacted in the Union. Most soldiers, however, were still volunteers.

Who has scored 6 goals but was on the losing side?

no one

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The losing side.

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He skates to the other side?