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bread and alchohol

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Q: What were the foods eaten by the soldiers fighting in World War 2?
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What are three foods originally from the new world or the americas that i have eaten

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Foods eaten on Christmas in Indonesia are similar to the foods eaten in the western world: turkey, cranberries, etc.

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All kinds. Korean, French, Japanese, the whole world of foods is here.

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What foods that are eaten in 2009 were not eaten in World War 2?

any exotic fruits (e.g oranges & bananas), eggs- too many to list

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Cereal grains, i.e. grasses. Onions.

How did World War 2 change the foods that were commonly eaten in Australia?

There was a shortage of food during WW2!

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these are the foods that were eaten during rationingmeatfishcheesetinned tomatoesricejamteaeggspeascanned fruitbiscuitsbreakfast cerealsmilkdried fruitcooking fat.

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Foods that are eaten in Id-ul-fitr are traditional middle eastern foods and lamb or beef, sometimes chicken.

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The foods eaten in Washington are mostly the same as they are around the us. its close to CA, so i think they would be alike to the foods eaten there

What french foods are eaten in the UK?

they are.