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Germany's proposal that upon an alliance with Mexico, it would ensure the return of Mexican land lost to the United States.

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Elyse Schaden

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Q: What were the contents of the telegram sent from Germany?
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What country sent Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico?

Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.

What country sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico?

Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico.

What message did the Zimmerman Telegram contain?

The Zimmermann Telegram was sent in 1917 from Germany to Mexico, asking them to join Germany and Austria-Hungry in World War I. The telegram was never delivered, but it was a big factor in the US deciding to get involved in World War I.You can read the contents here:

What year was the zimmermann telegram sent?

Germany Send the Zimmerman Telegram to send and information to the Mexicans.

What document was sent to Mexico telling them to declare war on Germany?

Zimmermann Telegram

What was the telegram that the Germans sent to Mexico during ww1 called?

They refused the proposal, but by that time, the US had already declared war against Germany.

What were the contents of the telegram sent from Germany during ww1?

if mexico invaded america, and if the central powers were victorious, then Mexico would receive as payment the land that the usa stole by war in 1846 under President Polk.

. One of the contributing factors to America's initial decision to enter into World War 1 was the Zimmermann Note. What were the contents of this telegram sent from Germany?

Germany's proposal that upon an alliance with Mexico, it would ensure the return of Mexican land lost to the United States.

One of the contributing factors to America's initial decision to enter into World War 1 was the Zimmermann Note. What were the contents of this telegram sent from Germany?

Germany's proposal that upon an alliance with Mexico, it would ensure the return of Mexican land lost to the United States.

A telegram sent to a German official in Mexico prior to US entrance into World War 1 proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico?

The Zimmermann Telegram or Note

What was the novikov telegram?

The Novikov telegram was sent in 1946

What three countries were involved in the zimmerman note?

The US, Germany, and Mexico were the three countries involved in the Zimmermann Telegram. It was sent by Germany to Mexico in 1917.