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Hooker, buoyed by the great numerical superiority he enjoyed, planned to envelope Lee's much smaller army (Longstreet's corps was elsewhere, and Lee had less than 50,000 men against Hooker's 113,000). He had cavalry patrols searching for rebel movements, and halted his advance until news was forthcoming.

Lee split his army, leaving 10,000 men with General Early to watch General Sedgewick's corps at Fredericksburg. He sent Jackson's corps of 26,000 men on a 12 mile flanking march, while he confronted Hooker's army with less than 15,000 troops.

Around 3 in the afternoon, Jackson's corps burst out of the forest on Hooker's exposed right flank, and drove the federals into a panic rout, the Yankees fleeing and even dropping weapons on the way. Jackson was wounded later that night, and Cavalry commander Jeb Stuart took command.

The two armies grappled again the next day, but Hooker had lost the initiative, and retreated.

The outcome was one of Lee's most magnificent triumphs, being outnumbered as he was.

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Q: What were some of the strategies used in the field by the commanders of both sides in the Battle of Chancellorsville?
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In Flanders Field was written in reference to a battle in which country?

The poem "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae was written during the Second Battle of Ypres.Ypres is a city in Belgium.

What did women do on the battle field in ww1?

they either weren't their or they faked there identities

German army commanders in World War 1 didn't make the key decisions instead their staff officers did if this is true then what role did the commanders play?

There was close co-operation between the two groups. The German General Staff included many senior commanders. The General Staff was above all responsible for planning, the army commanders for conducting campaigns in the field. Incidentally, this kind of division of labour was imitated by France and Britain. It was widely admired as it was assumed that the meticulous planning of the Prussian General Staff and ensured victory for Prussia in 1866 and 1870-71.

Who was Japan's chief strategist during World War 2?

By definition, all Admirals/Generals are strategists (they distribute the forces). Naval ranked Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant Commanders-Army ranked Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors, control the battlefields (thus the title "Battlefield Grade Officers", shortened to FIELD GRADE OFFICERS). Naval ranked LT's, LT JG's, & Ensigns-Army ranked Captains, 1st Lieutenants, 2nd Lieutenants FIGHT THE BATTLES. To name a few Japanese WWII chief strategists: ADM Raizo TANAKA (1892-1969), nicknamed the "Razor" by the allies- Torpedo specialist, and one of Japans most "aggressive" commanders. Leader of the famed "Tokyo Express" during the battle for Guadalcanal. Defeated a much larger US Navy cruiser/destroyer force at the "Battle of Tassafaronga." ADM Takagi (1892-1944)-Victor at the "Battle of the Java Sea", and tactical victor at the "Battle of the Coral Sea." ADM Yamamoto (1884-1943)-Victor at Pearl Harbor, defeated at the "Battle of Midway." ADM Kondo (1886-1953)-Battle of Santa Cruz Islands. GEN Homma (1888-1946), nicknamed the "Tiger of Manila"-Victor of the "Battle of the Philippines." GEN Mutaguchi (1888-1966)- "Battle of Imphal" fought in India. GEN Sato (1893-1959)-"Battle of Imphal" fought in India.

What problems did doctors have in the civil war?

they couldn't get on the battle field or they would be shot.

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