

Best Answer

Most people think that knights were just men who rode on horses all

day, but that is incorrect. The medievil knights can be compared to todays modern

tank. They were covered in multiple layers of armor and could plow through anyone

standing in their way. Knights were the wealithest of soldiers. It was expensive to be

a knight, all their armor shields and weapons cost a lot of money. The knights horse

could be compared in price to buying a small plane today.

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That depends on what Knights you are talking about. Are you talking about the medieval Knights in each Kingdom, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar? You are going to have to be a little more specific to get a meaningful answer.

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The knights of Columbus are catholic. The knights of Columbus are catholic.

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knights are in battle. :)

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There were ceremonies in which Knights kissed the cross, and this often happened when they became knights.

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yes knights have swords

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Dave Knights's birth name is David John Knights.