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Q: What were V1s?
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How were jet planes used in World War 2?

As fighters mostly; no jets clashed in WWII, that came in Korea five years later. Britain did use some jets to "tip the wings" of some V1 buzz bombs over England, causing them to lose course and crash harmlessly. V1s were early relatives of todays UAVs.

How did Hitlers choice to call off the bombing of Britain lead to the Allied success in the war?

What Hitler called off (in September 1940) was the planned German invasion of Britain. He did this because the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) had been unable to achieve supremacy in the skies above southern England. Heavy bombing of civilian targets in Britain was a feature of the period September 1940-January 1941. There were further heavy raids in May 1941 - after which much of the Luftwaffe was moved eastwards for use against the Soviet Union. Later in WW2 there were further raids on Britain and in 1944 the V1s and V2s. The fact that Britain continued to fight in 1940-41 meant that the war against Germany continued. IF Britain had fallen it's very hard to see how there could have been a D-Day or any Allied victory in Western Europe. Joncey

What were the German one-ton self-propelled bombs called?

They were flying bombs V1s and V2s also known as buzzbombs and doodlebugs these were basicly early missiles which they launced from France towards Britain.AnswerThe question wasn't clear if this was a flying bomb or maybe something that traveled on land. Or do you mean the total weight was 1 Ton or the warhead? Here are some comparisons.V-1 Buzz-bomb, an un-piloted airplane powered by a ram-jet engine.Weight 2,150 kg (4,750 lb)Warhead weight 850 kg (1,870 lb)V-2 RocketWeight 12,500 kg (28,000 lb)Warhead 980 kg (2,200 lb)Fritz-X air-launched, anti-ship missile, guided by TV.Weight 1,362 kg (3,000 lb)Warhead weight 320 kg (705 lb)The Goliath was a miniature tracked vehicle that was remotely controlled and carried 60 kg of explosives.

How many bombs were dropped in the blitz?

There were different varieties of bombs that fell on London, These were: * H.E. (High Explosive) bombs * Incendiary Bombs, also called Fire Bombs as they started fires. * Oil Bombs 1 in every 10 bombs that fell was a 'dud', which meant it did not blow up on impact. Some bombs had a delayed fuse, which meant they could explode at any time, before or after they had hit the ground. This meant that it was almost impossible to tell the difference between the bombs that were dropped. Civillians were evacuated from the area until the bombs had been deactivated. Bombs are still being found today. In 1944, two new weapons began to be used. They were the V1 and V2 bombs. A V1 bomb, offten called a doodlebug, had no pilot and made a droning sound when it flew. When the noise stopped people knew they had 15 seconds to get out before the explosion happened. As they had no pilot, may V1's fell into the sea or missed their targets and fell into the countryside. Almost 9,500 v1s were sent off towards london, but less than 2,500 actually got there. many were destrooyed by aircraft, guns and barrage baloons, and the rest just missed their targets. The first doodlebug to ever explode was in Swanscome in Kent. A V2 bomb was a much larger version of a V1 bomb. they flew without any noise, which meant no warning of where or when they were going to fall. They also flew too high to be shot down by aircraft or ground guns. The explosion was much larger with these bombs, but not so many were fired.

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Can all tamagotchis connect?

Yes! just go to the heart icon and press the button where it says "others" (if its another version than your!) Yes! just go to the heart icon and press the button where it says "others" (if its another version than your!) no,v5s cant exept for v5s and same with v1s

How were jet planes used in World War 2?

As fighters mostly; no jets clashed in WWII, that came in Korea five years later. Britain did use some jets to "tip the wings" of some V1 buzz bombs over England, causing them to lose course and crash harmlessly. V1s were early relatives of todays UAVs.

How did Hitler try to defend Great Britain during World War 2?

Hilter (sic) hoped to invade Britain! # Edit; You obviously mean "defeat." First by destroying the RAF so that he could achieve domination of the sky that was necessary for a successful landing. Having failed with that he attempted to demoralise the population into calling for a negotiated armistice. Then he tried V1s which made the British very angry, then V2s which made them even more angry, all of which justified destruction of German cities and their people and resulted in a sense of moral indignation that was also justified when the depth of his depravity was later revealed. There was also the submarine attempt to starve the British into submission.

How do you connect your v3 and v4 tamagotchi?

One person goes over to the heart on the main screen and choose it with the (B) button. Select whichever version the other person's is (for example if yours is a V4.5 and your friends is a V4 hit the "V4" link, if your friends is a V3 hit the "OTHERS" link, etc.). Hold the Tamagotchis with the fronts facing each other and have one person press the (B) button. It will say either "SUCCESS" or "FAIL" or something like that. If a success, proceed with sending gifts or playing games or visiting each other. If a fail, make sure that the two Tamagotchis are compatible with each other and try again. If after a lot of tries, if you know that the two Tamagotchis are compatible for sure, then check the batteries on both of them and keep trying. P.S. V1s can only connect to V1s and V5s and V6s can only connect to V5s and V6s. V2, V3, V4, and V4.5 can all connect to each other. P.P.S. Only Tamagotchi Connections can connect at all (hence the name "Tamagotchi Connection"). P.P.P.S. Good luck!

How did Hitlers choice to call off the bombing of Britain lead to the Allied success in the war?

What Hitler called off (in September 1940) was the planned German invasion of Britain. He did this because the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) had been unable to achieve supremacy in the skies above southern England. Heavy bombing of civilian targets in Britain was a feature of the period September 1940-January 1941. There were further heavy raids in May 1941 - after which much of the Luftwaffe was moved eastwards for use against the Soviet Union. Later in WW2 there were further raids on Britain and in 1944 the V1s and V2s. The fact that Britain continued to fight in 1940-41 meant that the war against Germany continued. IF Britain had fallen it's very hard to see how there could have been a D-Day or any Allied victory in Western Europe. Joncey

What were the German one-ton self-propelled bombs called?

They were flying bombs V1s and V2s also known as buzzbombs and doodlebugs these were basicly early missiles which they launced from France towards Britain.AnswerThe question wasn't clear if this was a flying bomb or maybe something that traveled on land. Or do you mean the total weight was 1 Ton or the warhead? Here are some comparisons.V-1 Buzz-bomb, an un-piloted airplane powered by a ram-jet engine.Weight 2,150 kg (4,750 lb)Warhead weight 850 kg (1,870 lb)V-2 RocketWeight 12,500 kg (28,000 lb)Warhead 980 kg (2,200 lb)Fritz-X air-launched, anti-ship missile, guided by TV.Weight 1,362 kg (3,000 lb)Warhead weight 320 kg (705 lb)The Goliath was a miniature tracked vehicle that was remotely controlled and carried 60 kg of explosives.

How do you turn off your lights when your tamagotchi is asleep?

tamagotchi's do not turn themselves off unless the battery dies. if the battery dies, don't leave it in for a long time or else there will be this weird beep noise that never stops until you remove the battery. (yes, this happened to me, twice, in the middle of the night, while i was asleep, it scared the crap out of me.)

When did Britain bomb Germany in World War 2?

London was bombed for 75 out of 76 days (or nights) from 7 September 1940. There were frequent air raids till May 1941, when most of the bombers were transferred eastwards for the attack on the Soviet Union. In 1944 London was again attacked - this time by V1s and V2s. This is not particuarly true because the first wave of evacuations began on August 13th and no bombing began until no less than 3 months after that date.

How many bombs were dropped in the blitz?

There were different varieties of bombs that fell on London, These were: * H.E. (High Explosive) bombs * Incendiary Bombs, also called Fire Bombs as they started fires. * Oil Bombs 1 in every 10 bombs that fell was a 'dud', which meant it did not blow up on impact. Some bombs had a delayed fuse, which meant they could explode at any time, before or after they had hit the ground. This meant that it was almost impossible to tell the difference between the bombs that were dropped. Civillians were evacuated from the area until the bombs had been deactivated. Bombs are still being found today. In 1944, two new weapons began to be used. They were the V1 and V2 bombs. A V1 bomb, offten called a doodlebug, had no pilot and made a droning sound when it flew. When the noise stopped people knew they had 15 seconds to get out before the explosion happened. As they had no pilot, may V1's fell into the sea or missed their targets and fell into the countryside. Almost 9,500 v1s were sent off towards london, but less than 2,500 actually got there. many were destrooyed by aircraft, guns and barrage baloons, and the rest just missed their targets. The first doodlebug to ever explode was in Swanscome in Kent. A V2 bomb was a much larger version of a V1 bomb. they flew without any noise, which meant no warning of where or when they were going to fall. They also flew too high to be shot down by aircraft or ground guns. The explosion was much larger with these bombs, but not so many were fired.

How were V1 Rockets destroyed before they reached Great Britain in World War 2?

at first the V1s were destroyed (or were attempted to be destroyed) using supermarine spitfires, hawker hurricanes, and anti aircraft guns, later on in the war the British used hawker tempests and hawker typhoons which were much faster and could catch up with the V1

When was the V2 rocket developed?

V1 was not a rocket. V1 was a flying bomb aka buzz bomb it was not controlled or even flew by a pilot it was automatic it flew to London and would just crash into it.V2 was made sometime at the beginning of World War Two, but I don't know when exactly.The first bit in bold was not my bit I just edited it a bit by the way and I don't know anything about V1s.

How did military aircraft develop as World War 2 progressed?

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