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Q: What weapons did the medievil people use?
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Did any medieval weapons survive and where are they?

Yes they did and they can be found in collections all over the world. Google medievil weapons and you will find out where they are.

What sports did the medievil people play?

the medievil peole played homosexule games

What did the middle age people use weapons for?

why did the middle ages people use weapons

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they used eggs for food

In medievil time what were knights used for?

killing people

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they used weapons to fight and exacute people

Why people use weapons?

For defence

How did people use weapons?

They use it to defend them self

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They use guns.

Why were people religious in medievil times?

yes, most were christian

What do people use in a war?

they use metal protection and they use weapons

Why do you use weapons?

To kill bad people...