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During World War II, the "D-Day" event was important for primarily one reason: it began the Allied re-conquest of the European continent. While Allied troops had already landed in Italy, all eyes were focused on the more important areas in Western Europe still held by strong German forces. On June 6th of 1944 -- D-Day -- that hold began to break with the Allied invasion of Normandy.

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Annalise Koch

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Q: What was was the importance of D day?
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What was the importance of the d what was the importance of D day?

the "D" was for "day of decision" also known as "Operation Overlord" June 6th 1944

What was D-Day and what was its importance?

D-Day was the first day of Overlord, the Allied invasion of occupied France.

Importance of d-day?

boost morale

What was the importance of the invasion of France on D-Day?

D-Day signified the return of Allied forces to Europe.

What was the importance of D day in World War 2?

The importance of D-day in World war 2 was to celebrate the peoples victory. Alternative answer: D-Day was the day that the allies landed in Europe (France) in force and began to push German forces back into Germany.

What was D-day invasion and what was the importance?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of German held France. It was the turning point of the war.

What was the importance of D-Day?

The allies were able to gain a strong foothold in France.

Was the importance of D-day?

The allies were able to gain a strong foothold in France.

What was the importance of D-day to the allied war effort?

D-Day stands for Demon Day. It helped the USA and England because the devil awakened from the earth and swallowed hitler.

What was the importance of d-day invasion of nermandy on tune 1944 world war 2?


D-day importance in world war?

the allies were able to gain a storng foothold in france

Was Pearl Harbor d day?

No. Pearl Harbor was obviously Pearl Harbour while D-day refers to the landing achieved by Allied troops on the shores of Normandy during the second World War D-day can also, however, refer to a day of signifigant importance or reckoning. Pearl Harbor can be referred to as A D-day, but not as THE D-day