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The answer is generally reliant upon the theater , for example on the Eastern Front the defeat of German forces at the Battle of Stalingrad which many historians regard as the turning point in the Second World War , the Battle of Midway in the Pacific Theater , El Alamein in the Middle East or D-Day in the European Theater where penultimately a NAZI occupied Europe was liberated .

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Q: What was the turning point of World War two?
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The battle of Stalingrad is considered a turning point in World War Two, it led to the defeat of the Germans in the West.

Names of the turning point battles during World War 2?

Two examples of turning point battles were:Battle of Stalingrad:shifted power from the Nazis to the Soviets in the Eastern FrontBattle of the Coral Sea:stopped Japanese advancement in the Pacific

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What two union won battles were a turning point in the war?

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

Was D-day aq turning point in World War 2?

Definitely, it forced Germany to fight a two front war, which in turn put their troop numbers in half on each side, which led to Germany's downfall.

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The bombing of Hiroshima brought us to the atomic era. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the last attacks in World War Two. Japan surrendered after the attacks.

What was the site of the battle that was a major turning point of the war in july 1863?

There were two. Vicksburg on the Mississippi, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Which two battles one in the west and one in the east were the turning point for the union forces in the civil war?

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

What turning point in the war occurred in 1757 for the English?

The turning point in the war occurred on September 13, 1759, when British General James Wolfe defeated French forces at Quebec in a siege that lasted almost two months. Montreal and Detroit, the other two French strongholds would fall soon after

Top battles of the cvil war?

Gettysburg, which was the turning point of war. The Battle of Antietam. And the Siege of Vicksburg, which split the South in two as part of the Norths 'Anaconda Plan'.

What battle was the turning point of the war in the North in the Revolutionary War?

Battle of Saratoga Where the British lost of 6,000 men in two battles a couple of weeks apart - 1777

What turning point of the war occured in 1757 for English?

The turning point in the war occurred on September 13, 1759, when British General James Wolfe defeated French forces at Quebec in a siege that lasted almost two months. Montreal and Detroit, the other two French strongholds would fall soon after