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Q: What was the second nation to detonate the atomic bomb?
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The second nation to detonate an atomic bomb was?

The Soviet Union

First country to detonate an atomic bomb?


Who was the second nation to test a atomic bomb?

Soviet Union

What second nation to test an atomic bomb was?

The Soviet Union

Who was the second nation to test the atomic bomb?

The Soviet Union

Full form of a-bomb?

An atomic bomb uses nuclear fission at the atomiclevel to detonate several tons of explosives.

How do you test an atomic bomb?

You detonate it. Various instruments set up nearby collect data that is later evaluated to see how the bomb performed.

What were the risks the US faced by using the atomic bomb on Japan?

The main issue was for them to detonate in US soil.

Sight where second atomic bomb dropped on japan?

the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki

Where did the second bomb fall?

The second atomic bomb used in combat was dropped on Nagasaki.

Where was second atomic bomb dropped?


How do you blow stuff up?

Get close to your target or victim. Place a atomic bomb. Run to a safe distance. Put on a Camera pointing to your target or victim. Detonate the Bomb. Watch the fireworks. Done...