

Best Answer

1) Chlorine

2) Mustard Gas

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Q: What was the posion gas used in World War 1 called?
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What was the posion gas used in World War 1?

There was more than one kind. Phosgene, Chlorine, and Mustard Gas are three that I know of.

What country first used posion gas in World War 1?

Germany was the first country to use gas, chlorine in particular, in world war one. it was first used against British and French units in the first battle of Ypres.

What affect did posion gas have on world war 1?

Made People Wanna Ride Roller Coasters.

Who were the first people to use posion gas and gas masks in world war 1?

The Germans on the Western Front

What ne weapon did the Germans build during world war 1?

flamethrowers, gas masks and posion gas, graneds,submarines and torpedos.

Why was world war 1 called the mechanized war?

becuase it was the first war that used mechanical instruments

What was the attack the germans used during the world war 2 called?

blitzcreeg (lightning war)

When did poison gas enter the war?

Posion gas entered into he war for many countries involved in the war, wanted weapons other countries didn't have. and since it was back then, they used all means neccasary to win.

What gas is heavy green gas that was used a a weapon in World War I?

The most common one that was used as a weapon in World War 1 is called the Artillery

What Poison gas used in World War 1?

A gas called "Mustard Gas"" was used.

What was the gas called that was used during World War 1?

mustard gas

The style of warfare used in World War 1 is called what?

Trench warfare.